Tuesday, January 22, 2008

5 Stages of New Product Adaoption

five stages in a new product adoption process:

1) awareness: consumers are informed of the new product availability - ipod, movies, windows vista,

2) interest: consumers show interest by acquiring more information of the new product. - 1-800 numbers, website where u can find more information, emailing lists

3) evaluation: consumers do cost benefit analysis of trying the new product - ipod

4) trial: consumers try a small amount of the new product - free sample - once consumer overcome the fear, then they adopt

5) adoption - consumers decide to make full scale and regular purchase of the new product. - consumers buy a full package and buy it regularly.

consumers tendency to adopt a new product is poisitively related to younger age, bettter education (more informed), and higher income (buying power is higher, looking for something to stand out)

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